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What to Expect at a Pediatric Eye Exam

An eye doctor conducting an eye exam on a child in an optometry practice

Children’s eye exams serve a similar purpose as an adult’s eye exam at their root—to help maintain healthy eyes and clear vision. But the focus is typically on eye conditions or diseases common in children as opposed to age-related conditions more common in adults. Astigmatism, nearsightedness (myopia), crossed eyes, and lazy eye are all common […]

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What Is IPL for Dry Eye & How Does It Work?

A young woman with a concerned look on her face rubbing her left eye with her left hand

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition affecting millions of Canadians every year. Best characterized by a dry, gritty, or burning sensation on the surface of your eyes, this condition can interfere with your visual needs and cause feelings of frustration in your everyday life. Fortunately, there are options available for dry eye treatment—like through […]

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Staff Pick – JUNE

June is ‘Cataract Awareness Month’ so did you know … Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss in Canada and the world, so it seems fitting an entire month should be dedicated to education and awareness! Cataracts are very common and can affect anyone!  Although most people do not have cataract symptoms until at […]

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