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Do I Need Neurolens Glasses?

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A woman suffering from digital eye strain takes off her glasses and rubs her eyes.

Are you tired of dealing with headaches, neck pain, and eye strain? As it turns out, eye misalignment could be to blame. It’s more common than you may think, with at least 2 out of 3 people experiencing eye misalignment, often caused by digital eye strain. And as we spend more and more time on computers, this number is likely to rise.

If this is you, you’re in for a treat because there could be a solution: Neurolens glasses. These aren’t your average specs. You may need Neurolens glasses if you experience headaches, dizziness, or pain caused by long periods of using a digital screen or doing close work.

What Are Neurolens Glasses?

Neurolens glasses are an innovative solution that can address issues related to binocular vision dysfunction. Most glasses use a convex or concave lens to correct light for nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, but Neurolens glasses go beyond that. They use a contoured prism to bring your eyes back into alignment.

Binocular Vision Dysfunction

How do our eyes get misaligned? Usually, our eyes work together to send slightly different, but compatible, images to our brain. Our brain then stitches these images together. This function of your eyes is binocular vision, and when your eyes are aligned, the brain can easily and seamlessly combine them.

But if your eyes are misaligned, the brain has to work harder to combine the 2 images. In severe cases, this could refer to crossed eyes, but even people who don’t usually have misalignment could notice a problem when focusing on something at close range. This includes our many tablets, smartphones, and other digital devices.

How Do Neurolens Glasses Work?

Every pair of Neurolen glasses begins with an eye exam. First, your optometrist may evaluate the symptoms you have, including their severity and what triggers them. They can then measure the misalignment using a Neurolens Measurement Device (NMD). The resulting custom-made lenses could even include a prescription you already have for optimal vision.

The Neurolens contoured prism technology is what makes these glasses so extraordinary. The prism in the Neurolens glasses realigns the image you see, reducing the amount of effort your eyes need to put in to maintain proper alignment.

This takes the pressure off your trigeminal nerve, the large and complex nerve that helps your face recognize pain. With Neurolens glasses, this nerve, and your brain, have a chance to relax.

What Issues Can Neurolens Glasses Help With?

Canadians spend an average of nearly 11 hours per day looking at screens—and that stat has likely risen since 2019 with the boom of remote work and learning. Thankfully, Neurolenses are designed to address the many symptoms of prolonged computer use or other activities requiring extended periods of visual concentration. You may know this discomfort as digital eye strain, or computer vision syndrome.

Symptoms of computer vision syndrome include:

  • Headaches
  • Blurry vision
  • Double vision
  • Irritated or tired eyes
  • Eye strain

Benefits of Neurolens Glasses

First and foremost, Neurolenses can relieve symptoms related to binocular vision dysfunction. This means less discomfort and pain in your daily life and can also mean improved productivity, as you don’t have to keep stepping away from your work to deal with chronic headaches.

Many people who experience headaches, neck pain, and other symptoms related to eye misalignment try to find relief through medication or other temporary solutions. Neurolens glasses provide a more sustainable solution by correcting the underlying cause of the symptoms, with 93% of wearers reporting that Neurolens helped them achieve more comfortable vision.

Trigeminal Nerve Graphic to explain how neurolens works

Is Neurolens Worth It?

If you’re someone who spends a lot of time on digital devices or doing close work and experiences chronic headaches, Neurolens glasses may be the solution you’ve been looking for. 

At Bayside Eye Care, our knowledgeable and friendly optometrists can assess your binocular vision function and determine the precise prescription to address your needs.

Neurolens glasses are a bold and innovative solution for eye misalignment that could relieve symptoms like headaches, neck pain, and eye strain. And the only way you’ll know if they work for you is by asking!Ready to discover if Neurolens can give you the relief you deserve? Then book an appointment with us today.

Written by Dr. Erin Haney

Dr. Erin Haney has practiced within the neuro-optometric specialty since 2012 and in the primary eye care field since 2007 at Bayside Eye Care and Vision Rehabilitation Centre. She specializes in the diagnosis and management of visual dysfunction in acquired brain injury and concussion patients. Dr. Haney also treats children with functional or binocular vision disorders.
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