Many people wonder if contact solutions can double as eye drops in an emergency due to their similar appearance and purpose. However, this is not advisable. Contact solution is designed specifically for cleaning, disinfecting, and storing contact lenses, and its composition is different from that of eye drops, which are formulated to hydrate and soothe the eyes. While using contact solution in your eyes might not cause immediate harm, it may not provide the comfort or relief you’re seeking.
Dry Eye
Can Dry Eye Cause Blindness?
Dry eyes alone don’t directly cause blindness, but the uneven corneal surface from ongoing dryness can lead to blurry and distorted vision.
While rare, leaving dry eyes unmanaged can lead to serious complications, like corneal ulcers, abrasions, and infections, which can severely damage the eyes, resulting in partial or complete vision loss.
How Does IPL Help With Dry Eye?
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy, a promising solution that’s been gaining traction in the world of eye care. IPL uses a broad spectrum of light to target and treat the underlying causes of dry eye. Enter Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy, a promising solution that’s been gaining traction in the world of eye care. IPL uses a broad spectrum of light to target and treat the underlying causes of dry eye.
Can You Wear Contacts With Dry Eyes?
For those suffering from dry eye, the irritation and discomfort can become unbearable. Even worse, many people suffering from dry eyes feel as though wearing contact lenses magnifies the dryness. Some people even wonder whether contacts can be worn with dry eyes. Yes, you can wear contact lenses with dry eyes. To help shed some […]
How Long Does IPL Dry Eye Treatment Last?
Battling dry eye can feel like an endless struggle, and it leaves many people searching constantly for a solution. Amidst the plethora of remedies and treatments available, one option that has recently gained increasing attention is IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment. This approach, originally developed for dermatological purposes, has been adapted to address the underlying […]
What Vitamins Are Good for Dry Eye?
If you’ve ever experienced a burning sensation in your eyes that just won’t go away, you’ve likely had dry eye disease. This common condition often leads to visible redness, burning sensations, and overall irritation. Fortunately, your optometrist can help! With dry eye therapy, you can find relief from dry eye symptoms, and your optometrist can […]
What is LipiFlow & How Does it Treat Dry Eye?
If you’re tired of dealing with uncomfortable dry eye symptoms, we may have a solution. Dry eye is characterized by a lack of sufficient lubrication on the surface of the eye, which can cause irritation, redness, and even blurred vision. Fortunately, advances in eye care have resulted in the development of an exciting treatment called […]
Why Do I Keep Waking Up With Dry Eye?
Waking up to a new day should be a refreshing experience, but for some of us, it’s anything but. Imagine rubbing the sleep from your eyes only to find them dry, scratchy, and uncomfortable. So you’re probably asking yourself, “Why does this happen? Why do I keep waking up with dry eyes?” Dry eye disease […]